Hello, I’m Yoshikuni!
Based in Amsterdam🇳🇱. Originally from Japan🇯🇵.
Read my profile to know more about me!
Thank you so much to everyone who supported me in 2024!
This is a recap of my activities in Q4 2024 with a lot of photos! Client works Shifter/Amimoto from DigitalCube 🇯🇵 New feature, bug fix, refactoring, etc Tech: AWS Lambda, DynamoDB, serverless, Stripe, etc Languages: TypeScript/JavaScript minutiae🇺🇸 iOS app Animation after capturing photos (please check on the app!) iOS 18 adaptation Firebase CloudFunction AppStore Notification integartion Performance optimization of CloudFunction Emails, etc Internal tools update Full-stack work: NextJS with TailwindCSS on frontend, Python/flask/jinja on backend with some external APIs OSS contribution Units - My first Unison library! Unison UI Core (Elm) Fix multiple definition fetch issue Making repository path configurable Fix example of parsing library in Unison Tech events Esolangs Meetup @ Creative Coding Utrecht, 17.10, CCU Studio Developers meet-up: Alternatives for app stores @ Waag, 13.11, Waag Futurelab Workshop about alternative app store. Haskell Utrecht Meetup, 18.11 AmsterdamJS Meetup: Why Build a Visual Programming Platform & more, 22.11, Jetbrains office in Amsterdam Coffee Coding Culture events If you want to know more about culture side of me, please follow my instagram! ...
I made my first Unison library “units”.
Upgraded my office plan this summer and attended some Unison events!
I upgraded my co-working office plan and this is my dedicated desk from now on!
There were some challenging client works. Also, I attended a lot of cultural/academic events.
Recap of my Q1, 2024.
Thank you so much to everyone who supported me in 2023!
New project, continuing projects, and so on!
This is a recap of my activities in Q3 2023. During this period, I worked a lot on my client projects, however, I was also able to attended a summer school about advanced functional programming (Haskell) in Utrecht. It was absolutely an exceptional experience. Client work Project with a Dutch startup 🇳🇱 New iOS app from scratch Quite new tech stack: TCA, SwiftUI & UIKit, Swift Concurrency, etc DigitalCube projects 🇯🇵 Writing TypeScript for backend NestJS, AWS Lambda, Serverless, AWS AppSync (GraphQL), etc minutiae and related apps 🇺🇸 iOS app update Python scripts for pdf (book) generation TypeScript for logics in CloudFunction Website maintenance work 🇳🇱 Learning Advanced Functional Programming (Utrecht Summer School) Certificate ...