Hello, I’m Yoshikuni!

A software engineer with 10+ years of work experience.
Based in Amsterdam🇳🇱. Originally from Japan🇯🇵.
Read my profile to know more about me!
Graph, Tech events photos, SPUI25 photo

Challenging works, tech events, and many culture events (2024, Q2)

There were some challenging client works. Also, I attended a lot of cultural/academic events.

June 28, 2024 · 3 min

Client work, Japan visit, Unison Cloud trial, etc (2024, Q1)

Recap of my Q1, 2024.

March 25, 2024 · 2 min
2023 - Year in review

2023 - Year In Review

Thank you so much to everyone who supported me in 2023!

January 4, 2024 · 1 min

More TS, new project, and iOS app release (2023, Q4)

New project, continuing projects, and so on!

December 27, 2023 · 2 min

Work projects and Haskell summer school (2023, Q3)

This is a recap of my activities in Q3 2023. During this period, I worked a lot on my client projects, however, I was also able to attended a summer school about advanced functional programming (Haskell) in Utrecht. It was absolutely an exceptional experience. Client work Project with a Dutch startup 🇳🇱 New iOS app from scratch Quite new tech stack: TCA, SwiftUI & UIKit, Swift Concurrency, etc DigitalCube projects 🇯🇵 Writing TypeScript for backend NestJS, AWS Lambda, Serverless, AWS AppSync (GraphQL), etc minutiae and related apps 🇺🇸 iOS app update Python scripts for pdf (book) generation TypeScript for logics in CloudFunction Website maintenance work 🇳🇱 Learning Advanced Functional Programming (Utrecht Summer School) Certificate...

September 29, 2023 · 1 min
Unison minimap UI

Unison minimap, new client, and events (2023, Q2)

This is a recap of my activities in Q2 2023. One highlight was that my PRs for Unison UI-Core were merged, especially a minimap UI component! It’s great to contribute to a progressive technology like Unison language by writing Elm, which is also a great language. Also, in Q2, some projects with new clients started. I hope these activities in Q2 bring some more fun and opportunities in the future....

June 30, 2023 · 3 min

Looking for projects to work on!

I am a software engineer with more than 10 years of work experience. I used to focus on iOS/Swift for about 7 years, however, I have been expanding my technical area and writing codes for various platforms now, including iOS, web frontend, backend, and some scripts using Swift, TypeScript, Elm, Python, and so on. As my technical area has been expanding, I’m looking for projects in these 3 categories. Combining these is also possible....

May 5, 2023 · 2 min
Diagram of 10 years as a software engineer

10 years as a software engineer🎉

I started working as a software engineer in April, 2013. So, it’s 10th anniversary in this April. Here I summarize my 10 years.

April 4, 2023 · 2 min

My PR to Unison-UICore is merged! (2023, Q1)

This is a summary of my activities in Q1 2023. Work, some personal projects, and some tech events. Enjoy reading! Client work minutiae and related apps 🇺🇸 New web app for its users: React for frontend, Python(Flask) for backend Some scripts in Python and TypeScript iOS app update Personal projects Unison UI-Core Storybook integration using webpack This PR is Merged🎉 Blog Creative Activities How I can do "full stack" Learning Dutch course...

March 30, 2023 · 2 min

How I can do "full stack"

What does a “full stack” developer mean? In reality - in the job market - it usually refers to a JavaScript developer, who write backend in Node.js, and frontend in React/Vue/etc (+ sometimes mobile apps in ReactNative). However, using JavaScript for everything is not the only way to build applications. I think we can call ourselves “full stack” if we can build the entire working system, after all. I’m writing here about how I can do “full stack” with my current skills....

February 8, 2023 · 2 min