The summer has ended, and chilly weather has come. How have you been doing these days? I’ve summerized what I was doing in Q3 (July to September). Lots of interesting challenges.

Client work

I worked with 2 clients in this period.

  • Art projects with Martin Adolfsson
    • Technical consulting: giving technical advice and writing code together in pair-programming sessions. Building/maintaining 3 apps, all relate to photography but have different interesting concepts.
    • Tech stack: Firestore, Firebase RealtimeDatabase, SwiftUI, UIKit, CoreML, CoreLocation, etc. Also, I made a small CLI tool in Swift.
  • Technical consulting for a startup
    • Making a new messaging app
    • Tech stack: SwiftUI, TCA, Combine, etc

Personal projects

I worked on 2 personal projects, in Rust and Elm.

  • Static analysis tool in Rust
    I’ve been making a static analysis tool in Rust. My initial aim was to analyze Swift projects, first using swiftc, then using SwiftSyntax.
    However, as there was an interoperability issue between Swift and Rust (especially when developing in Linux), I couldn’t continue this development. I will come back to this project when I’m ready again. Writing Rust is fun and analyzing source code is quite interesting.

    Project Analysis Demo

    Project Analysis Demo

  • My website replica in Elm+TailwindCSS
    I’ve been making a replica of my website using Elm and TailwindCSS, mainly for learning purposes. Writing Elm is a great, comfortable experience. Building UI with TailwindCSS is also nice. You can access the actual website from here, which is hosted at Firebase Hosting.

    My website replica in Elm+TailwindCSS

    My website replica in Elm+TailwindCSS


I’ve been learning new topics for my future career.

Tech Events

I attended several events in Amsterdam and online. It’s great that in-person events are back!

Other stuff

Thank you for reading✨
Have a good autumn, everybody.