2024 was my 4th year as a freelance software engineer.
My work became very stable and I was able to spend time for open-source activities and technical/cultural events.
Thank you so much to everyone who supported both my work and life in 2024.
I hope I can keep doing this interesting and inspiring work in 2025.
I truly wish everyone a wonderful 2025!
- Worked with 4 clients, including 2 Dutch🇳🇱, 1 US🇺🇸, and 1 Japanese🇯🇵 client
- Thank you all for working with me!
- Please read my quarterly reports to know more about the details.
- Work environment/routine update
- Office upgrade in September
- Made new routine for my work and life.
- Contribution to Unison ecosystem
- UI contribution with Elm & CSS
- Make libraries in Unison
- Attended a lot of tech/culture/Amsterdam events
- Please check quarterly reports for this.
- Nice work, Units library in Unison, and many tech/culture events (2024, Q4)
- Units - My first Unison library
- Stable work, office upgrade, and great Unison events! (2024, Q3)
- Office upgrade!
- Challenging works, tech events, and many culture events (2024, Q2)
- Client work, Japan visit, Unison Cloud trial, etc (2024, Q1)
Thank you for reading!