This is a recap of my activities in Q2 2024.
There were some challenging client works. Also, I attended a lot of cultural/academic events. It was a very stimulating period!

Client works

  • Amimoto/Shifter from DigitalCube 🇯🇵
    • Updating AWS Lambda functions with TypeScript
    • Chatbot project using AWS Bedrock (AI)
    • Bug fix, runtime update, legacy code migration, etc
  • minutiae iOS app and related business scripts 🇺🇸
    • Performance tuning involving RealtimeDatabase, Firestore, CloudFunction, and iOS codes.
      Optimized a lot of places in the entire system, and the slow behavior of the app became much faster (e.g. minus 20 seconds) as a result! Used some Swift concurrency techniques too.
    • Updated internal tools with Python, Docker Compose, and NextJS.
      Almost web full-stack work. Using mono-repo style code organization now.
    • Performance analysis with pandas/numpy/matplotlib
      This is sample image
  • Script for a business tool 🇳🇱
    • Writing scripts for a business tool in TypeScript with Jest testing

OSS contribution

Elm is always a nice language to write!

Back office

  • Updated my profile picture after 4 years!
    This is sample image

Tech events


Lectures (mostly at SPUI25)

I went to a lot of lectures in the recent months.



If you want to know more about culture side of me, please follow my instagram!

Thank you for reading. I wish all of you a great Q3!