2 client projects, Tailwind+Elm, ElmUI+Firebase, DEPOT, etc (Q1, 2022)
This post is a report of my activities in Q1, 2022. Although there weren’t many changes, there was some progress, including web frontend development trials using Elm, TailwindCSS, and Firebase. Enjoy reading✨ Client work An app project with a startup Building a new messaging app for teenagers. Using SwiftUI, The Composable Architecture (TCA), Firebase, GraphQL, and so on. Using lots of features from Firebase. Art app projects with an artist based in New York Technical consultancy work: giving technical advice and writing code together in pair-programming sessions using TUPLE. Learning TailwindCSS + Elm I’m making a copy of this website using Tailwind and Elm. Tailwind seems great. Handling CSS had been one of the obstacles for me to get into web frontend development, however, with Tailwind I feel I can finally control the appearance of websites precisely. So, I may be able to work on web frontend projects. ...