Chat app, art apps, information visualization, Elm+Tailwind+Firebase (Q2, 2022)
This post is a report of my activities in Q2, 2022. While working on client projects, I started learning Information Visualization. I hope this will give me new skills and lead to outcomes in the near future. Client work An app project with a startup Building a new messaging app for teenagers. Switched to tech-consulting work in June Making some features while sharing programming techniques Art app projects with an artist based in New York Technical consultancy work: giving technical advice and writing code together in pair-programming sessions using TUPLE. In-App purchases, image processing, Firestore migration, etc. Learning Information Visualization specialization at Coursera I learned the foundation of information visualization and the basics of D3.js. I’m interested in visualizing complex data these days. My next step would be to visualize the complexity of programming itself. I hope I’ll be able to share the outcome in the near future. Elm + Tailwind + Firebase Hosting I tried making a website using Elm+TailwindCSS and hosted it at Firebase Hosting. The website is here. (The contents are copies of my website.) Dutch basics using Dualingo and some books Tech Events Unison Forall, 24 June Great conference about Unison programming language. Rust Developers Amsterdam meetup, 22 June I learned a little about Makepad, a GUI framework for Rust. CocoaHeads NL @Stream, 15 June Coffee coding, Saturdays Other stuff Visiting museums ...